Sunday, January 31, 2010

Danx likes Casey!!!! The dude who taught Gary how to armpit fart!!! I can't believe this.
PS. Plz stop reading over my shoulder. You can jinx someone like that.
PPS: I was talking to Kimberly.

Friday, January 29, 2010

SOSOSOSOSO FUNNY!!!!!!! (kinda)

Kimberly got ahold of Shelby's boyfriend's phone number. Major drama to ensue. Boo. I want a pic, but she want let me have one.


This is my favorite poem. It is the only one by this dude that doesn't bore me to tears. I don't own it, and if I am breaking any copywrite laws, tell me and I will take it down. I doubt anyone will even notice, because I don't think anyone reads this but my friends who I tell when they where written about. Anyway, here it is:
The Mermaid, by Alfred Tennyson
Oh who would be a mermaid fair
sitting alone
combing her hair
under the sea
in a golden curl
with a comb of pearl
on a throne
That's just the first part, but all I've memorized.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

I have a bit of an interesting life, I think, and know some stupid but interesting people. And some that are just stupid, and others just interesting. And some, like myself, neither.
First, my BFFs: There's Shelby, she lives a block over, I bike to her house almost every day. And Charissa, I've known her like all my life and we practically invented the sleepover gossip. Though we hate calling it that, we have a nicer version called dish.
Than my loony bin of a house, First my Daddy, he's the bestest; and my Mama, she's the bestest. My brother, tly 2 years, 2 months, and 2 days younger, he talks waayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy to much, I'm constantly trying to kill him, but would kill for him (to give credit where credit is due, Shelby's older brother Micheal said that line). My sister, Dawn, who had a liver transplant, but the docs put her on steroids, and she can outrun me. She's learning how to talk, just this morning she started saying "i wuv u" over and over and over, soooooooooooooo cute! And Grandpa, who is.... aggravating, but he doesn't mean to be, he's a hypochondriact with seperation anxiety and ADHD. And is going selectively deaf, he shouts a lot. Than we have our extra family, staying with us "temporarily" (since last April): Ms. Frances, who is real sickly and grouchy, she is rumored to be a good cook, but I've only ever eating something she's made once, some chowder, I can't remember what it tasted like. Than Kimberly, a classic frenemy, I'm IMing her right now, though she's only accross the house. And Danx, Shelby's other BFF, and thus one of mine, she's obssessed with lizards, which can get kinda wierd, when you see her practically making out with a reptile. Her and Gary (my lil bub) are like brother and sister, but rumored bf and gf.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has it's limits. Albert Einstein said that, and a lot of people think he's pretty smart. After the things I've witnessed in my few years on this planet, I am forced to agree with him, even though I pride myself on being different than everyone else.