Saturday, July 24, 2010

My mom, who is awesome, is PREGGERS again. We all think he'll be a boy named Caleb Jubal. Jubal as his middle name, and if you knew my full name I'd own a machete to fight away creepy stalkers.

Friday, June 18, 2010

You know what?

I am totally sick and tired of writing for you nonexistent people!!! I'd write soooooo much more if someone would READ IT!!! I am a sensitive artist (mdr) and this is insulting.

Also, because I'm in a ranting mood and no one reads this anyway, I AM SICK AND TIRED OF CHAUVINIST PIGS WHO ARE TEACHING CHILDREN TO ACT LIKE, well, have you ever been to a playground? Listen for five minutes and you'll hear at least one time, "boys rule, girls drool" or something along those lines. The feminist movement was in the 1980's and they're STILL acting like this!?!??!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!!?!?!??!?! And there are these girls I know, who are all like "GIRL POWER!!!" but then get a heart attack if you even suggest that they ask a guy out instead of acting all creepy and desperate. I'm like, WHAT???

If my speech is boring you, imagine a crazy teenager standing over you screaming on the top of her lungs. Re-read this. Out loud.


I love




Why exactly would I tell you?

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Castle again

I saw the season finale of Castle today. So sad, you would think that they would end up together by now. It's on hulu, just letting you know.
Danky is sleeping in my room, I have an extra bed that'll flatten under mine. Her family went to her rich uncle's beach house and she wanted to stay here with her lizard, who just had eggs btw, congrats to her. I wish someone would read this. :(

Friday, May 14, 2010

Lube Xpert

There's a really nice place near Wakulla Springs, that changes your oil for even cheaper than Wally World. Their waiting room has free soda and are currently letting me use their computer!!! I love this place!!!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


I'm watching Castle. Again. I'm a subscriber on I'm very dedicated to my geeky legacy. Of course, no one reads my blog, so I doubt it'll last. But it's still incredibly fun to do. I'm currently enjoying a earned vacation for today, I did all my schoolwork late last night. But my personal computer crashed so I'm forced to share the one in the hallway, which is also called the sun room, or in your average home would be called the game room. There's a computer (duh), a Foosball table, our school desk, a Laz-E-Boy, a futon couch and my dad's pride and joy; a plasma TV. It connects our house to the apartment, which I'm pretty sure I already told you about. I'm kind of self obsessed, sorry. Anyway, it's so obvious that Castle is jealous of Demi. I'm wondering if the producer should have hid it just a little? A writer, in their mind, is an actor. You know, on paper. He should be a natural born liar. Doesn't anyone notice that? I have the same gift, but I try not to use it because liars are idiots except on TV. Or Same difference.

Monday, May 10, 2010

My Opinion on Minivans

All these people are trying to hype up the mini-van, like that one where they're in the woods and some guy has his head on the ground, saying it's a sports car. And the sienna, where the mom thinks she's all hot and all. There are cute minivans, but they're all dorky. They're nice though, roomy on the inside. I think mamas should drive old limos around. Wouldn't that be awesome? But only if it was only your mama. Or u wr the mama. Either or. If someone I know comments on here I'll tell them who I like. Which I doubt will happen. Anyone, toodles.

Monday, April 26, 2010

I love any movie with Sandra Bullock in it. I think. I don't think I've seen all of them. I'm currently watching Ms. Congeniality. Don't you love it?

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Earth Day

Sorry I didn't post on Earth Day, no one reads this anyway so I don't really see the point anymore....... anyway, the earth is really important and all that, because for one thing we live here. And also it give me the excuse to beg my parents for a new flower tree. I of course completely forgot about it, being homeschooled and all I don't get a day off for it. And it ruined the reputation I had established with myself about being a hippie whose main priority is the health of this planet. I only found about because of flair on facebook. I am a geek. Not ashamed of it. Btw, MDR means mort de rire or laugh out loud or lol. :)

Good night all of you. And Happy Earth Day. Do something nice for someone. Plant a tree. Shorten your shower. Turn off a light. Remind me next year.

Thursday, April 22, 2010


There was a rude post I put up here. Right next to the Love Sign. It was rude. Not untrue, but rude. I trusted a "friend" and they... ugh. I don't want to go into it. Much love to all of ya'll.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Lost Keys

I was going to invent a device that when you hit another button, it would light up and beep. I then found out that that had already been invented. You see, my mom lost her keys. Again. And we do not happen to own this device, which, though itmeans more time on the internet for me, aggravates the out of my mom. And also means me and my adorable but REALLY BLEEPING ANNOYING sister wants me to play the one youtube video over and over and over again. Lame, right? But I'm a good sister who is taking a break from it to come talk to y'all. Please, if you actually read this, COMMENT!!!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

School and random thoughts that may pop into my head.

Here's my math book, which is my weak point. I hate math. Even when I was considered a genius back in public school, I stunk at it. I will always rather be reading. I used to read fantasy books like C.S. Lewis' Chronicles of Narnia. I had all seven books in one volume, so it was like a thousand pages. I read it cover to cover seven times and then the covers just fell off. I'm sorry to say that I don't have as much interest as I used to, especially since my dad got me a laptop, the best Christmas present EVER!!! I'm practically attached to it. I then discovered blogs. And wrote this one. Why doesn't anyone read it?!?!? I'm not the best writer in the world, but come on. :(.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Ello. (english accent, not misspelled word)

Ello people. I wanted to contemplate life today, but I'm extremely egotistical, and would rather talk about me. Sorry. I'm the "good" kid in the family, according to my dad anyway, so I try to live up to that, but here nobody knows me.
I love the anonymity of the internet-The writer of, who is awesome.
Today I'm wearing this long black dress with enough fabric in the sleeves to make at least three more outfits. It's not like a puffed sleeve, just like wide...... hang on I'll try to stick a pic in here. There it is, to the left here where I'm writing. What you see is only about half of it. Anyway, if you scroll down you'll read why I love goodwill under Where are my keys?. I like writing this, but I'd like it more if someone actually read it.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Where are my keys?

I read somewhere that this is a very popular subject to Google. So I thought that if I maybe used that as a title I could get more readers. In movies and stuff, this takes absolutely no time at all. Not so much for me. Anyway, I want to tell you how to be awesome. Step 1: Decide what you want to do. I want to be different, be noticed, but not be vain. So I'm a christian hippie. Step 2: Dress the part. I wear the weirdest clothes I can that I find in goodwill. I absolutely love that little raggedy store. The dressing room has gum stuck on the wall in various colors, in a strange way it's accidental art. I'm way off subject here too. If you want to fit in, watch what other people wear, combine it with a tiny tiny bit of you, just enough so you won't be weird because you're a copycat. If you want to be popular, I can't give you advice, because I have absolutely no idea how that works. Do something awesome, like save a guys life, or date a cheerleader. I don't know. Step 3: If it doesn't work, stop trying. Stop trying to find yourself and just be. Like that Beatles song.... And stop taking advice from blogging strangers. Have a good day.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Old Stuff

I know that only my friends actually read this, and then they usually only do to make me feel better. So if you don't want to, guys, you don't have to. Anyway, I wanted to mention my new complete love of The Beatles and The Who, old bands. Look them up, they're awesome.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Gossiping People

I have enough weirdness already to help me get people hating me, without blabbering old people telling the world my business. I can deal. I guess. Thank you Lord Jesus for life and all that.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

There is are a few anonymous people that I need replacement names to write about, because there is a lot I want to tell you that I can't really tell you. Please comment with replacement names for:
An annoying prep;
A cute dude;
Five short people;
A whiny girl who acts younger than she is;
And a bratty teenager.
Thank you sooooo much.


I just wanted to thank my friends who helped my in my time of need, and I didn't even mention them earlier!!!!!! I'm really sorry, Ali, Lala, and Johnna. Thank you so much for reading my blog and COMMENTING, which if any one read it no one did. I love y'all sososososososososososososososo much for this. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!

Better Ali?

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I have awesome friends.

I wanted to thank you guys so much for reading this. Above this is a Beatles song that I LOVE. It's really sad that they resorted to drugs to fill up the empty hole in there life because they didn't know Christ. Or maybe they were just trying to fit in? Whatever it was, it's weird that their music was so good anyways.

Sunday, February 21, 2010


Since I am tired of writing to no one, please comment if you read this!!! I'll just stop writing until then.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

birthdays and shoes

On birthdays like my dad's today you think about getting old and eventually death and serious things like that, so somebody invented cake and lasagna to cover that up. I like lasagna better than getting old anyway.
Also, my purple high top converses where bought yesterday and I am soooooooooooo happy!!!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Love Day

Happy Valentine's Day everybody! I want to say I love all of you. Congratulations if you have a partner to share it with. Don't waste love...

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

YES!!! YES!!! YES!!! my blog finally found its way to the google search engine. Bing hasn't found it yet though, and that's the one my dad uses, sooooo... you get it.
Bad/good news, my extra family is going to court. Ms. Frances' ex-husband is on trial for assault and battery to them. Bad for them, but it meant that we got a few hours to be a normal family again. I miss normality.
Have you heard of premonition? That sickly feeling you get when you know that something terrible is going to happen? I have premonition. Right now anyway. I don't know why. Ugh. Do any of you guys have premonition sometimes?

Monday, February 8, 2010


Why did someone invent Mondays?

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Dude!!! She wimped out! Danx wimped out. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! I told her if she didn't tell him by Valentines Day, I'm gonna tell his Mom.
Hello. I passed math! Go me.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

I am discouraged my lack of readers. But I guess I started this with too high of an ego. I'm not particullarly smart or funny or pretty.Sides fact that I have an extra family, a sister who survived a liver transplant, and a Dad who got out of prison only three years ago, I am really boring. None of these are my own accomplishments. Or failures. Or whatever. I am a blond know it all who wants someone to read what she writes. Elvis is rumored to have six toes. Peace and love.
I have been commissioned by Danky (aka Danx or Danielle) to tell Casey that she likes him. And of course find out if he likes her. This should be interesting. If anyone actually reads this, please comment and give me advice on what to say.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Danx likes Casey!!!! The dude who taught Gary how to armpit fart!!! I can't believe this.
PS. Plz stop reading over my shoulder. You can jinx someone like that.
PPS: I was talking to Kimberly.

Friday, January 29, 2010

SOSOSOSOSO FUNNY!!!!!!! (kinda)

Kimberly got ahold of Shelby's boyfriend's phone number. Major drama to ensue. Boo. I want a pic, but she want let me have one.


This is my favorite poem. It is the only one by this dude that doesn't bore me to tears. I don't own it, and if I am breaking any copywrite laws, tell me and I will take it down. I doubt anyone will even notice, because I don't think anyone reads this but my friends who I tell when they where written about. Anyway, here it is:
The Mermaid, by Alfred Tennyson
Oh who would be a mermaid fair
sitting alone
combing her hair
under the sea
in a golden curl
with a comb of pearl
on a throne
That's just the first part, but all I've memorized.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

I have a bit of an interesting life, I think, and know some stupid but interesting people. And some that are just stupid, and others just interesting. And some, like myself, neither.
First, my BFFs: There's Shelby, she lives a block over, I bike to her house almost every day. And Charissa, I've known her like all my life and we practically invented the sleepover gossip. Though we hate calling it that, we have a nicer version called dish.
Than my loony bin of a house, First my Daddy, he's the bestest; and my Mama, she's the bestest. My brother, tly 2 years, 2 months, and 2 days younger, he talks waayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy to much, I'm constantly trying to kill him, but would kill for him (to give credit where credit is due, Shelby's older brother Micheal said that line). My sister, Dawn, who had a liver transplant, but the docs put her on steroids, and she can outrun me. She's learning how to talk, just this morning she started saying "i wuv u" over and over and over, soooooooooooooo cute! And Grandpa, who is.... aggravating, but he doesn't mean to be, he's a hypochondriact with seperation anxiety and ADHD. And is going selectively deaf, he shouts a lot. Than we have our extra family, staying with us "temporarily" (since last April): Ms. Frances, who is real sickly and grouchy, she is rumored to be a good cook, but I've only ever eating something she's made once, some chowder, I can't remember what it tasted like. Than Kimberly, a classic frenemy, I'm IMing her right now, though she's only accross the house. And Danx, Shelby's other BFF, and thus one of mine, she's obssessed with lizards, which can get kinda wierd, when you see her practically making out with a reptile. Her and Gary (my lil bub) are like brother and sister, but rumored bf and gf.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has it's limits. Albert Einstein said that, and a lot of people think he's pretty smart. After the things I've witnessed in my few years on this planet, I am forced to agree with him, even though I pride myself on being different than everyone else.