Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Castle again

I saw the season finale of Castle today. So sad, you would think that they would end up together by now. It's on hulu, just letting you know.
Danky is sleeping in my room, I have an extra bed that'll flatten under mine. Her family went to her rich uncle's beach house and she wanted to stay here with her lizard, who just had eggs btw, congrats to her. I wish someone would read this. :(

Friday, May 14, 2010

Lube Xpert

There's a really nice place near Wakulla Springs, that changes your oil for even cheaper than Wally World. Their waiting room has free soda and are currently letting me use their computer!!! I love this place!!!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


I'm watching Castle. Again. I'm a subscriber on hulu.com. I'm very dedicated to my geeky legacy. Of course, no one reads my blog, so I doubt it'll last. But it's still incredibly fun to do. I'm currently enjoying a earned vacation for today, I did all my schoolwork late last night. But my personal computer crashed so I'm forced to share the one in the hallway, which is also called the sun room, or in your average home would be called the game room. There's a computer (duh), a Foosball table, our school desk, a Laz-E-Boy, a futon couch and my dad's pride and joy; a plasma TV. It connects our house to the apartment, which I'm pretty sure I already told you about. I'm kind of self obsessed, sorry. Anyway, it's so obvious that Castle is jealous of Demi. I'm wondering if the producer should have hid it just a little? A writer, in their mind, is an actor. You know, on paper. He should be a natural born liar. Doesn't anyone notice that? I have the same gift, but I try not to use it because liars are idiots except on TV. Or hulu.com. Same difference.

Monday, May 10, 2010

My Opinion on Minivans

All these people are trying to hype up the mini-van, like that one where they're in the woods and some guy has his head on the ground, saying it's a sports car. And the sienna, where the mom thinks she's all hot and all. There are cute minivans, but they're all dorky. They're nice though, roomy on the inside. I think mamas should drive old limos around. Wouldn't that be awesome? But only if it was only your mama. Or u wr the mama. Either or. If someone I know comments on here I'll tell them who I like. Which I doubt will happen. Anyone, toodles.