Monday, May 10, 2010

My Opinion on Minivans

All these people are trying to hype up the mini-van, like that one where they're in the woods and some guy has his head on the ground, saying it's a sports car. And the sienna, where the mom thinks she's all hot and all. There are cute minivans, but they're all dorky. They're nice though, roomy on the inside. I think mamas should drive old limos around. Wouldn't that be awesome? But only if it was only your mama. Or u wr the mama. Either or. If someone I know comments on here I'll tell them who I like. Which I doubt will happen. Anyone, toodles.


  1. You got to tell me who you like.

  2. You got to tell me who you are, you creepy stalker. Mdr.
